Thursday, August 6
Monday, June 22
Recommendation time!
So, this fic is by dreaming_in_black_and_white (see her article a few posts back), and is called When Lightning Strikes.
Title: When Lightning Strikes
Author: Dreaming_in_black_and_white
Rating: K+
Reviews: 18
Word Count 6,133
Chapters 3
Summary: *BD SPOILERS* When Paul imprints, he gets one of the nastiest shocks of his life. Rachel is Jacob's sister, Jacob is coming home and worst of all a battle with the vampires is imminent. This is Paul's story. Please read and review!
Dreaming_in_black_and_white has a post BD story here, about Paul. There's BD spoilers, but who really cares? She's got a canon story about a guy whose struggling with his job as a wolf, and who just wants to be himself, but can't. It tells the tale of Paul's imprinting on Rachael, and how it affects the wolf pack as a whole. It's only three chapters in, but it's very good. :)
Monday, May 25
Affiliate Post - Fanfiction's Our Dirty Little Secret
The podcast is just another way of the teenagers in the fandom trying to show themselves as good writers. Myself,
quirkyalice, Bitten and Smitten and XxBlue-Eyed-BellaxX are all hosts on it. You can find the website here, and the ITUNES STORE URL here! Please subscribe and review us!
Subtly talking about the fandom...
We may as well face the facts: some Twilighters are insane.
Not all Twilighters, of course. But the select few who want to kidnap Robert Pattinson, lock him in their basement and take cuttings of his Hair* to sell on eBay? They may want to seek professional help.
The majority of Twilighters, however, can empathise with the poor man who raises shrieks every time he moves a muscle (or just stands still looking pretty as always). Twilighters can be bashed on occasion for their frenzied shrieking and general lack of brains when Robert Pattinson is in the vicinity, but as a whole, we are not crazy. We are not brainless clones. We are not solely fixated on long, whimsical descriptions of what Edward Cullen looks like with his shirt off (well, okay, we are on occasion, but who can blame us for it?). The point is, when I found the Twilight community, I found what at first glance could be mistaken for a rabid pack of dogs. But as an active participant of the community, I found a group of very loyal, dedicated fans, who – no matter what age – were willing to welcome another fan into their midst.
Yep. The sane few of us out there are pretty damn cool.
I remember the very first time I started reading Twilight. I’m ashamed to say that I picked the book up, read the first 3 pages and then put it down again. First-person didn’t really appeal to me, so I forgot about Bella completely and went back to whatever the hell I did before Twilight came along and one-tracked my mind.
Two weeks later, I was dragged to a party by my sister (who incidentally is the epitome of Alice and wouldn’t take no for an answer). I reluctantly accepted my fate and grabbed the first book I could see before I headed out the door. I figured that if I had my head stuck behind a book, no one would bother me. Yes, I know, I’m such a Bella...
Can you guess what the book was?
At 2:00 in the morning, when my (now very drunk) sister found me reading in a corner and insisted that I drive home rather than her – despite the fact that at the time I was 16 and therefore not legally allowed to drive for another year – I barely took any notice. I’d been sucked into the world of Twilight with its absurdly relatable heroine (no heroin jokes, please) and the elusive, stand-offish yet charming Edward Cullen.
And we all know where it goes from there, right?
Once I’d devoured New Moon and Eclipse with equal enthusiasm, I thought I might as well try looking up the series on the internet. But as I soon found out, it wasn’t so easy to type the word “Twilight” into Google. There were literally thousands of fansites to choose from!
In the end, I narrowed it down to a few favourite sources that I still use now. It was then that I came across the fanfiction.
Fanfiction in the Twilight community was like nothing I’d ever seen before. I’d written and read a few Harry Potter fanfics before Twilight, but found nothing outstanding. Twilight fanfiction has a variety rarely seen online. Because Bella and Edward’s story is so timeless, their characters could be stripped down**, re-identified and given completely new surroundings – yet still keep the spark of the series that fuelled such obsession. Thus, the ever-popular ‘All Human’ category was born.
It was after reading a few of the ‘classics’ of our fanfiction that I began to notice a pattern. They were so well-written, so detailed... but something was missing. Where was the forbidden aspect of their relationship? The innocence, the constant struggles, the anticipation? As humans, their relationship just seemed too... easy. As much as we all just wanted Edward and Bella to ‘do it already’, I missed the cute, chaste banter they always shared.
So I started writing. And what did I write? Canon. PG-13. One-shots.
I know. Boring, right?
It’s no secret that in this fandom, NC-17, AH, multi-chapter fics are the only way to go if you want reviews. But as a relatively new fan, I didn’t want to hear about a Bella and Edward from an alternate universe. I wanted to expand the universe Stephenie Meyer had already given us. So I wrote the exact opposite of the norm – short, teen-rated canon fics. And that brings me to my final point on why I love our fandom so much: because although I have a tendency to stray off the path and write stories that no one in their right mind would ever actually want to read (six-year-old Charlie Swan playing with a toy race car, anyone?) I still can’t imagine a fandom where I would be better received.
The Twilight fandom has given me memory upon memory to share with fellow devotees. But more importantly, Twilight fanfiction has become a ‘fandom’ in its own right. There are fanfics with their own communities and followers, fanfics set to become published novels, and now, even teen fics are getting their own well-deserved spotlight.
And on that note, this teen still has revision to be getting on with. Damn you, Stephenie Meyer for ruining decent exam results with your addictive books!
Later today I'll be posting a review of a little known, well done twilight fic...and an affiliate post. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, May 13
Soo...I need some reader advice.
Sunday, May 10
RIP Daddy's Little Cannibal
Thursday, May 7
Dreaming in black and white...and colour.
dreaming_in_black_and_white, and it's on her experiences in the Twilight Fandom.
One year ago, I was still blissfully ignorant of the existence of Twilight fanfiction. I knew fanfiction itself existed, of course – thanks to the insistence of a friend who managed to somehow come across a Teletubby fic and was highly amused by the antics of Tinky Winky – but I never took it seriously.
One year ago, I had nonetheless started my own story using Stephenie Meyer's characters. Clichéd as it may sound, I'd had an idea in a dream which continued to plague me for several weeks before I finally gave in and decided to write it down. Naturally, as I was supposed to be revising for a number of fairly important exams, I had plenty of time. (Note: Do not try this yourself. Fanfiction as revision doesn't work terribly well.)
When I eventually did discover that I wasn't alone in hearing Bella and Edward's voices in my head, I still didn't quite understand just how big a fanbase the series had. Honestly, if I had, I don't know if I'd have ever plucked up the courage to take the plunge of publishing my first chapter. One year on, I'm immeasurably grateful that I did.
Beside an obscene amount of American slang, innuendo, and probably far too much about Robert Pattinson, I've genuinely learnt an amazingly wide range of things which would never have come up otherwise. To a girl who never fangirled over anything – who didn't even know 'fangirl' was a word, much less a verb – I couldn't have anticipated the depth of an online community brought together by shared love of a book. The site I personally stalk is Twilighted – the sense of community is staggering, the amount of talent awe-inspiring, and the people I met there absolutely amazing. It took me about an hour to log off the first time I really talked to anyone on there, being half-afraid that they wouldn't remember me the next time I logged in. I was, of course, completely wrong, and several months down the line...
Yes, they know enough about me for my parents to be utterly horrified if they knew. They know things about me my best school-friends don't. There's a reason for that, besides their obvious awesomeness. One of the things which finally drew me out of my shell and into the fanfiction community was the lure of anonymity – of being able to be myself without actually having to face anyone. I'm shy. (Cue laughter from anyone I've spoken to on Twilighted...) But seriously, being able to interact with new people, without any interference of sometimes overbearing Real Life friends, without the prejudice of what you look like or what you's something you really can't do anywhere but the internet, and I think I picked one of the best places. Everybody I've met is just brilliant and it's opened my eyes to people and cultures I'd otherwise have had no contact with. Age and nationality have absolutely no bearing in the fandom, and it's so refreshing.
I think I realised I was obsessed about the time I hit several hundred posts on the forums and was genuinely excited about it. My suspicions were confirmed when something happened at school and my first reaction was that I had to go and rant about it in the General Complaint Box. Then there was the online gathering on Christmas day when we'd all had enough of 'spending time with the family'... Obviously, I'm not the person to talk to about maintaining any sort of balance between fandom and real life. Do as I say, not what I do. I'm a hypocrite.
I honestly think that joining a fandom is something which every teen should do at some point. School life is actually fairly sheltered – mine more than most perhaps – and there are so many things which lessons in a classroom really can't teach you. On Twilighted I've had conversations about everything from grammar issues and cooking to Heroes and shoes; my taste in music has been exponentially widened, and there have been shoulders to metaphorically sob on. Any question you have may be answered by anyone ranging from fourteen to forty, advice from people who seem to have done and seen everything – or if they don't they've got some pretty good advice about it anyway. Even better, you don't have to worry about it getting back to your parents or that girl at school you don't like and would tease you mercilessly about it. I may be biased, but it's pretty great.
For those lurkers who feel they're too nervous to take that first step? Whether it's posting your first story, introducing yourself to a website of total strangers, or even leaving your first review on a story – just do it. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Someone might leave you an angry message or call you a loser for spending time talking about a book? I haven't met one of those yet. Instead, the first to talk to me were parawhore and Quirkyalice, and now I've got a whole bunch of other 'virtual' friends – who are only virtual because I've never met them.
I can't really think of anything more to say. If this article had a theme or any continuous thread of thought at all, please let me know. I think that the gist of it was that fandom life is fun...don't start a story when you're supposed to be revising...and make sure you leave enough time to do your schoolwork around fandom life. Speaking of which, I'll be off to finish my history essay now.
dreaming_in_black_and_white is a fan fiction author who has written one full length story, and several more one-shots. If she is found on the Twilight forums (her name over there is dreaming), please tell her that she has A-Level exams in a week or so.
Monday, April 27
If you haven't heard of Not Her, by Heavens Immortal, you're missing out. This fic is AMAZING. Seriously! I loves it with all my heart.
NOTE! I'm using the Twilighted URL, my local library doesn't like
Name: Not Her
Author: Heavens Immortal
Summary: What if Edward didn't get to Bella before Tyler's van hit her...what if he responded to her blood...? What if he bit her? Where would they be, how would their lives change...a view into an alternate Twilight.
Rating: PG-13 (T on
Chapters: 12
Words: 55103
Published: 22/10/2008
Updated: 5/4/2009
Reviews: 334
Not Her is AMAZING. This fic is getting Rec'd left, right and centre, by people who know where the good fic is at. But for some reason, this fic is totally ignored, even when rec'd.
HI brings amazing writing talent to this story. It's a little 'What If' piece. What if Edward had saved her, but BIT her. Bella has to deal with the usual vampire stuff, and, well, y'know, the fact that she's in love with the guy who bit her. It's freaking amazing. And people better go read it, I'm about to be killed for doing this!
*cowers behind cushion*
So please, for the love of me, read it. Because it's amazing, and I love the author, because she beta'd me. Which makes her mighty cool in my eyes.
Not Her, by Heavens Immortal. READ IT!
Friday, April 24
If I Were...
Title: If I Were
Author: Justine Lark
Summary: Can Edward make Bella understand how special she is? Can she make him see how much she loves him? Takes place between Twilight and New Moon. Alternates between Bella's POV and Edward's POV. A short, sweet, romantic one-shot.
Rating: K+
Chapters: 1
Words: 1,537
Reviews: 16
If I Were is a lovely little missing moment oneshot, set between Twilight and New Moon. It splits between BPOV and EPOV, and shows how each feels inadequate for the other. Bella is thinking of how she's simply human, and how she can't understand why Edward feels so much for her, because she's simply human. She wonders what would happen if she were a vampire.
Edward can't understand why Bella can love a monster like him. He wants to be human, to know what it's like to be totally dependant on others, to know what it's like to not be able to read minds, to have to eat, to drink, to sleep. He wants to know all this firsthand, not just hearing it from other's minds.
Justine Lark says that this story comes from the Beyoncé song, If I Were A Boy. You can see the longing in this story, just like the song. It's a truly remarkable piece.
Wednesday, April 22
The Big General Affiliate Post...
Twilighted is a quality controlled archive, which contains many amazing fics, all which have been checked for quality before posting. It's amazing, and is pun by Psymom (Stranger Than Fiction) and her group of brilliant betas!
The Lazy, Yet Discerning Ficster is a blog which recommends good quality fics of all ratings. They also have various different articles and regular columnists, all of whom write about an issue within the Twilight fandom. It's run by four amazing writers, Smellyia (Disaffected, When We Drove All Night), AngstGoddess003 (Wide Awake), Emibella (It's the Beaches) and Angel/EdwardZukoRocks (Creature of Habit)
These two sites are brilliant, and are well worth a look!
There'll be a new rec up on the blog either tomorrow or Friday, hope to see you again soon! :)
Sunday, April 19
First Rec! (And Site News)
After searching my account for recs, I discovered the perfect fic to get this up and running.
Story: Bella Hale
Author: Jules SC
Summary: Six year old Isabella Swan was orphaned after a car crash took her parents away, and Edward and the Cullens find her. Alice decides to keep her, and Edward tries to protect her. Family drama and hilarity ensues as Bella grows up and ExB happens.
Rating: T
Chapters: 47
Words: 378, 763
Published: 21/11/2008
Last Updated: 17/2/2009
Reviews: 8,746
This fic isn't exactly under appreciated, but I haven't heard too much about it. It starts with a six year old Bella having been in a car accident, which tragically kills her parents, Renée and Charlie. Carlisle is the doctor who treats Bella, and is struck by her innocence. He and Esme take her in, ignoring the risks that a human living with vampires poses. What happens? Well...
Bella Hale is pure fluff. But it's fluff with a plot. It's the kind of story that makes you want to go and give it a lollipop and tuck it into bed using Barbie bedclothes. And read it something like Goodnight Moon. It's that kinda story. It makes you want to buy it a pony. And believe me, it's taken so many people under its spell, if the author asked for it, she'd receive it.
But it's realistic. Bella's reaction to finding out the Cullen's are vampires is exactly how it was in the books, except for the fact that she's only eight or so when it happens.
Where the author has left off, Bella is being hunted by a human James. And she has to deal with a vampire boyfriend, family, and being turned before her eighteenth birthday so that Jane doesn't go all evil mind power on them. Yes, the Volturi know that she's human.
BH is leading up to some major battles, and it looks like it'll be amazing. The author hasn't updated for a while, but she has promised that she will soon...and if whoever is reading this blog goes and reviews...maybe, just maybe she'll update? Because I need that update!
Bella Hale by JulesSC. There's a thread in the AU section of the Twilighted forums for it. :)
In Blog news, we now have an email address! The email is If you have a fic that you'd like us to recommend, or if you'd like to be a guest blogger, email me and we can see what we'll do!
Saturday, April 18
This blog started from a little seed implanted in my head about fic blogs being so popular right now, from The Lazy Yet Discerning Ficster, to PPSS (Which is strictly over 18's, so I'm not even giving the full name.) These blogs do amazing work, highlighting under appreciated fic, and bringing it to the attention of the wider fic audience. Which is brilliant, I love it! But T rated fics, unfortunately, tend to get left behind when talking about fic. So my mission, and the mission of the guest bloggers that will appear, is to increase the awareness of T rated fic. Not just for teens, but to prove to the many adult readers that teenagers are fully able to write GOOD fic. And to prove that an adult doesn't need to write smut to write a good fic :)
And now I've to introduce myself! I'm Cíara, or xparawhorextwerdx on ff, twilighted, twilightedteens, and parawhoretwerd on LJ. And my self imposed mission is to introduce the world to WELL WRITTEN T RATED FIC.
So, you with me?
You can contact Teenage (Fic) Kicks at There will be an email address set up soon, promise!