Monday, June 22

Recommendation time!

Sorry it's been so long. I've had school, and work, and exams! And I'm currently in nerd camp...but I've got internet every day thanks to my course! :)

So, this fic is by dreaming_in_black_and_white (see her article a few posts back), and is called When Lightning Strikes.

Title: When Lightning Strikes

Author: Dreaming_in_black_and_white

Rating: K+

Reviews: 18

Word Count 6,133

Chapters 3

Summary: *BD SPOILERS* When Paul imprints, he gets one of the nastiest shocks of his life. Rachel is Jacob's sister, Jacob is coming home and worst of all a battle with the vampires is imminent. This is Paul's story. Please read and review!

Dreaming_in_black_and_white has a post BD story here, about Paul. There's BD spoilers, but who really cares? She's got a canon story about a guy whose struggling with his job as a wolf, and who just wants to be himself, but can't. It tells the tale of Paul's imprinting on Rachael, and how it affects the wolf pack as a whole. It's only three chapters in, but it's very good. :)


  1. Hi, I'm RedRose15 and I would love to write on your blog...for something, doesn't matter what.

    I'm Rose - you know me.

  2. Eeek! I love you, Cíara...
    (I'd have commented before, but I wasn't sure how. yes, I'm hopeless).
    Basically, I adore you. And I'm glad you like it so far :) xxx
